Readings and Coaching

What are Intuitive and Mediumship Readings?
An Intuitive Reading involves me tuning into you, your energy and life, your spirit guides and angels, and the Universal Guiding Force. I relay information to help support and to bring guidance, inspiration and healing. In my readings I will often include tarot and oracle cards, however it's not in every reading that I'll use them. You can specifically request to having your cards read, or just leave it up to me and allow my intuition guide.
Mediumship is another layer of an intuitive reading. This is where I connect with the spirit world and deliver messages of love and hope from those who have crossed over. I'll bring through pieces of evidential information to confirm who it is that we are connecting with, and any messages that they want to pass on to you. The purpose of a mediumship reading is to open a door for healing and love, and to also demonstrate the continuation and evolution of the soul. I serve not just my clients, but also spirit.
A few words on Tarot and Oracle cards: When I use tarot and oracle cards I am connecting with the Loving and Guiding Force of the Universe and my own intuitive guidance to bring through supportive information via the archetypes and symbolism within the cards. I've been working with the system of cards for many years and have developed a deep relationship with them.
The tarot to me is a symbolic language - not too different from the lines and curves of the letters that you're reading right now - however behind the imagery and symbolism there is also the guiding hand of Spirit, of the beauty, care and intelligence of the Universal Force of Love and Life.
The cards can also bring forth messages which can help you to awaken to aspects of your own psyche and self, all to assist you in your own individuation and soul growth.
After years of studying and working with the tarot and oracle systems, I've build a relationship and trust with them. I adore using them quite simply because they work! Spirit works through these systems by synchronistically providing messages of validation, clarity, and guidance and support. Indeed, we live in a magickal universe, and it's my joy to work and blend with spirit to help bring through messages of love, comfort and inspiration.
What kind of questions should I ask in a reading?
Some people get a reading to seek inspiration or support, while others are looking for more specific clarity and guidance in their life, or to connect with loved ones who have crossed over.
I usually find that it’s most helpful if you come to a reading with some kind of focus or intention. It may be that you'd like some inspiration for your life right now, or guidance to deepen and develop your spiritual connection, for example. Or other times questions can be centered on the themes of work, relationships, creativity, finances, love, etc. And of course, with a mediumship reading, to connect with loved ones who have crossed over.
I will ask at the onset of our time together if you prefer a reading that is more about life guidance ,or if you are most interested in a mediumship reading. Or perhaps a bit of both. And keep in mind that I work inspirationally and follow spirit's lead.
Please note that my readings are focused on supporting you to help bring guidance on best options and choices for you in your life. I'm not here to dictate to you what you should or should not do. To simply tell clients what's "going to happen" and to be predictive focused tends to take people out of their power and autonomy, and can be very disempowering! My aim is to help empower you, never to disempower you.
Your future is in large part dependant on the past energy that you're carrying forward with you, and the current energy, actions and beliefs in your life. Your future is malleable, and if you don't like where it's going, you can change it. So I work with the energy that's in play, including the influence and support of your team in spirit., and guidance on best choices to move forward. This is the realm that I love to work in. To empower you as you move forward in your life. Yes, we can look at options, and yes, their are often prevalent energies that will be played out, however the real power is always in the now.
Another note: I don't give advice about financial investments, health prognoses, nor predictions about death. Nor will I look into the business of other people's lives. So questions such as, Is my ex seeing another person, for example crosses boundaries and are not ethical.
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Mentorship and Soul Coaching Sessions
With Mentorship and Soul Coaching sessions I use a holistic, embodied and soul centered lens to help support you on your path. These sessions can support you to align your inner spiritual life with your outer life and to access your own inner wisdom. Whether discussing your life, challenges and goals, or mentorship supporting your spiritual or intuitive development, these sessions will help empower and give direction.
Sessions can be a one time, or we can work monthly or even biweekly. They can also be a meaningful follow up to an intuitive reading, building on what came up during the session.
These sessions are grounding, centering and empowering, helping you to re-connect with your authentic self.
Please note: While my intuition is always at play, these sessions are not psychic nor mediumship readings. If you would like an intuitive and/or mediumship reading please select from that catagory.
An Intuitive Reading involves me tuning into you, your energy and life, your spirit guides and angels, and the Universal Guiding Force. I relay information to help support and to bring guidance, inspiration and healing. In my readings I will often include tarot and oracle cards, however it's not in every reading that I'll use them. You can specifically request to having your cards read, or just leave it up to me and allow my intuition guide.
Mediumship is another layer of an intuitive reading. This is where I connect with the spirit world and deliver messages of love and hope from those who have crossed over. I'll bring through pieces of evidential information to confirm who it is that we are connecting with, and any messages that they want to pass on to you. The purpose of a mediumship reading is to open a door for healing and love, and to also demonstrate the continuation and evolution of the soul. I serve not just my clients, but also spirit.
A few words on Tarot and Oracle cards: When I use tarot and oracle cards I am connecting with the Loving and Guiding Force of the Universe and my own intuitive guidance to bring through supportive information via the archetypes and symbolism within the cards. I've been working with the system of cards for many years and have developed a deep relationship with them.
The tarot to me is a symbolic language - not too different from the lines and curves of the letters that you're reading right now - however behind the imagery and symbolism there is also the guiding hand of Spirit, of the beauty, care and intelligence of the Universal Force of Love and Life.
The cards can also bring forth messages which can help you to awaken to aspects of your own psyche and self, all to assist you in your own individuation and soul growth.
After years of studying and working with the tarot and oracle systems, I've build a relationship and trust with them. I adore using them quite simply because they work! Spirit works through these systems by synchronistically providing messages of validation, clarity, and guidance and support. Indeed, we live in a magickal universe, and it's my joy to work and blend with spirit to help bring through messages of love, comfort and inspiration.
What kind of questions should I ask in a reading?
Some people get a reading to seek inspiration or support, while others are looking for more specific clarity and guidance in their life, or to connect with loved ones who have crossed over.
I usually find that it’s most helpful if you come to a reading with some kind of focus or intention. It may be that you'd like some inspiration for your life right now, or guidance to deepen and develop your spiritual connection, for example. Or other times questions can be centered on the themes of work, relationships, creativity, finances, love, etc. And of course, with a mediumship reading, to connect with loved ones who have crossed over.
I will ask at the onset of our time together if you prefer a reading that is more about life guidance ,or if you are most interested in a mediumship reading. Or perhaps a bit of both. And keep in mind that I work inspirationally and follow spirit's lead.
Please note that my readings are focused on supporting you to help bring guidance on best options and choices for you in your life. I'm not here to dictate to you what you should or should not do. To simply tell clients what's "going to happen" and to be predictive focused tends to take people out of their power and autonomy, and can be very disempowering! My aim is to help empower you, never to disempower you.
Your future is in large part dependant on the past energy that you're carrying forward with you, and the current energy, actions and beliefs in your life. Your future is malleable, and if you don't like where it's going, you can change it. So I work with the energy that's in play, including the influence and support of your team in spirit., and guidance on best choices to move forward. This is the realm that I love to work in. To empower you as you move forward in your life. Yes, we can look at options, and yes, their are often prevalent energies that will be played out, however the real power is always in the now.
Another note: I don't give advice about financial investments, health prognoses, nor predictions about death. Nor will I look into the business of other people's lives. So questions such as, Is my ex seeing another person, for example crosses boundaries and are not ethical.
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Mentorship and Soul Coaching Sessions
With Mentorship and Soul Coaching sessions I use a holistic, embodied and soul centered lens to help support you on your path. These sessions can support you to align your inner spiritual life with your outer life and to access your own inner wisdom. Whether discussing your life, challenges and goals, or mentorship supporting your spiritual or intuitive development, these sessions will help empower and give direction.
Sessions can be a one time, or we can work monthly or even biweekly. They can also be a meaningful follow up to an intuitive reading, building on what came up during the session.
These sessions are grounding, centering and empowering, helping you to re-connect with your authentic self.
Please note: While my intuition is always at play, these sessions are not psychic nor mediumship readings. If you would like an intuitive and/or mediumship reading please select from that catagory.